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Ipsun uses high-tech film for first-ever blue Cross on church solar array

This is from Ipsun Solar’s press desk. For more coverage of our company in the media, see our archive Ipsun In The News



Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church now has a solar electric installation that’s special in more ways than one. Composed of 319 solar panels, it’s the largest to date located at a church in Northern Virginia, but the feature getting the most attention is the bright blue cross design featured on one of the arrays, the first of its kind in the area and as far as they know, worldwide.

For decades, solar panels on churches, businesses, and homes has been saving money on bills and while helping protect clean air and water. What’s new is the practice of affixing a thin, color-printed, translucent film to the panels to create a custom display. In fact is the first instance in the United States of using this colored film technology for a church. Made by a specialized firm, a spin-off of a team from MIT, this thin printed decal material can be used to camouflage a solar array, blending it into a roof by printing it with a shingle or tile pattern, or as the church did, using it to create custom display that stands out.

The panes of color are reminiscent of stained glass windows. The committee members that planned this solar installation enjoyed considering different designs and color combinations. They hope the final design will inspire other churches to create distinctive designs using these thin printed screens on their own solar installations. The solar decorative films are available in Virginia, Maryland, and DC from Ipsun Solar, the local company that performed this solar installation.

About Ipsun Solar

Since 2016, Ipsun Solar provides high-quality solar installations for home and business in DC, MD and VA. Ipsun, which is Latin for yourself, is showing energy customers the way to renewable energy ownership, that’s more affordable and valuable than ever. Learn more at

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