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Enphase Battery System Streamlines Your Solar + Storage Experience

Energy storage is a hot topic these days. We all know that our country’s aging grid systems are failing more often, and storms are getting stronger. As we go into the spring and summer months it’s important to take control of your power and ensure some peace of mind for your home and family. 

When you’re exploring home battery solutions, Enphase storage is a great option for several reasons. The seamless inverter/storage package creates a reliable, integrated experience for homeowners. The varied sizing allows you to start small and size up as needed, or create a system that covers any power needs that come your way. And the Enphase Enlighten app allows you to monitor your usage and get a great overview of your system at any moment. 

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Distributed Architecture Means Reliability

We love that Enphase battery storage creates a seamless solar and storage system to ensure reliability, safety, and ease of use for every home. This all-in-one system is the only one on the market today that uses microinverters for both solar and storage to provide a unique value from “distributed architecture.”

That means that Enphase’s microinverters are under every solar panel and there are multiple microinverters in every battery. If a micro on the roof fails, your system keeps producing power. If a micro in the battery fails, you can still get energy out of the battery. When there is no single point of failure in the system, it adds reliability and peace of mind. It’s like having a backup for your backup, and it’s the best way to ensure power will be there when you need it most.

Variable Sizing Allows Flexibility

Enphase’s varied battery sizing gives you options. The small storage unit, the Encharge 3, is 3.36 kWh. The large storage unit, the Encharge 10, is 10.1 kWh. This means you can decide to start small and add on as needed, or go big from the start.

Each size is stackable, so you have the ability to choose a size that works for your needs. If you just want to back up a couple of breakers in case of a grid outage, one or two small Encharge 3s could work. If you have an EV and want to charge at night, two or more of the larger Encharge 10s make sense. 

If your system is off-grid (which is unusual in our area), another benefit to note is that the Enphase battery system can be coupled with a generator for off-grid systems, providing another layer of flexibility. In an off-grid situation, an Enphase battery can be charged by a generator if needed. 

Another cool aspect of the Enphase battery system is that, because of its unique lithium iron phosphate chemistry, it can be installed anywhere in the home whereas other batteries must be installed in an unfinished area or outside. Check out our VP’s system, below. He chose to have it inside and on display in his DC home. 

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Enphase Enlighten App Covers Your System Seamlessly

We love that Enphase has a single app to manage every aspect of your system, including your energy generation, storage, and usage. You’ll have an overview of your whole system in the palm of your hand, with module-level monitoring. 

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With the Enphase Enlighten mobile app, you can check your system’s status at-a-glance without scrolling and still dive into the details of your system’s health and performance, per-panel production all while on-the-go. You can view overall energy and per-panel energy production data within a single click as well as overviews of your energy consumption and storage. And the best part is, if you are adding storage to your existing solar, you’ll use your existing app—no need to download and learn a new interface. 

Get in touch to learn more!

Give us a call at 703-249-6594, or click below to have us contact you. Our solar experts can walk you through the possibilities and help you come up with a solution to fit your energy needs and lifestyle. We look forward to talking with you about your home battery storage options!


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