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Ipsun Solar has been Acquired by Civic Renewables

Washington, D.C. June 12, 2024

Today, it was announced that Ipsun Solar was acquired by Civic Renewables, a D.C.-area based parent company to a growing national network of local clean energy businesses. 

This acquisition by Civic will deliver a large organization’s resources and operational efficiencies combined with our local insight and commitment to quality as a community-based business. 

Founded by a team of accomplished solar veteran leaders, Civic provides its family of businesses with support that allows them to focus on delivering an unparalleled customer experience. We’re proud to be joining the Civic family, and if you want to learn more about this acquisition, you can read the full press release on Civic’s website here.

In anticipation of this announcement, we’ve gathered potential questions by Ipsun customers on how this impacts them:

What will happen to our warranty if we had an installation from Ipsun in the past?

No change. All warranties and commitments made by Ipsun for Ipsun Platinum Protection Plan customers will be upheld. Customers made an investment in Ipsun, and the new ownership proudly takes up that mantle. We look forward to many years of partnership and sunny days.

Will I still be able to receive general maintenance for my solar panels that were installed by Ipsun?

Of course, Ipsun’s Operations and Maintenance teams are a cornerstone of the founders’ long-term view on what it means to be a dependable solar provider.

Will Ipsun continue to serve the same service area?

Yes, Ipsun will continue to focus on growing and maintaining its dependable presence in its core focus markets of MD, VA, and Washington D.C.

I just signed a contract and have not received my solar installation yet, will this change my installation timeline?

Normal operations will continue without interruption at Ipsun. Of course we’re optimistic that some smart refinements to Ipsun’s already well-run processes will continue to improve project timelines!

Will my solar loan conditions stay the same?

Yes – all existing financial agreements between customers and their loan providers will remain completely unchanged / unaffected by the Ipsun change in ownership.

What changes can we expect now that Ipsun is part of a larger company?

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