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2021 Brings Enthusiasm for Solar to Local Businesses and Tax-Exempt Orgs

Register for our Wednesday Webinar to learn about solar for businesses, churches, non-profits, schools, and other tax-exempt and faith-based organizations.

For 2021, businesses and organizations are wearing their values on the sleeves—or more literally, on their roofs—and saving money at the same time. More businesses in our area are going solar every day, not just to save money on their power bills, but also to display their sustainability goals in full view for their customers, parishioners or members. 

There’s never been a better time to go solar

The great news for 2021 is that solar is surging in popularity, as shown by recent highs in the stock market for solar energy companies. This is due in part to the October report by the International Energy Agency (IEA) that offically declared solar the least expensive form of energy over power produced by coal- or gas-powered plants in most nations.

Another huge factor is optimism about the incoming Biden administration. An administration that understands the critical role solar plays in the race to save our planet from climate disaster is driving hope and the desire to take part. A favorable administration will also ensure that solar incentives remain stable for the coming years, keep solar companies on predictable ground, and help prices stay low. 

IEA executive director Fatih Birol summed up the optimism about solar in his statement following the release of their annual report. “I see solar becoming the new king of the world’s electricity markets,” he said. “Based on today’s policy settings, it’s on track to set new records for deployment every year after 2022.”

Power Purchase Agreements are now available in VA, MD, and DC

Even better news is the recent addition of Virginia to the list of states that allow Power Purchase Agreements. This new opportunity allows businesses and tax-exempt organizations to go solar without any out-of-pocket expense in a lease-type agreement. A PPA is a great way for organizations to save money, green their buildings, and increase their property value without the cost and responsibility of equipment ownership and maintenance. The best part is that a PPA saves organizations money as soon as the solar system is turned on, because there is no payback period.

How does a PPA work?

Basically, we agree to install solar at your site at no cost to you, generate power at your site, and sell it back to you at a lower rate than the utility company will. If you have a qualifying rooftop, we will agree to design, install, own, and maintain the system. We will sell the energy to you at an agreed-upon price for a set period of time, generally about 20 years. 

Register now for our upcoming webinar to learn more:

Solar Energy and Power Purchase Agreements for tax-exempt organizations and businesses, January 13th 12:00 – 12:45pm.

  • Presented by Ipsun Commercial Development Manager Tony Stephen and Solar Consultant John Mein
  • Learn how a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) works, what types of businesses and orgs can benefit from solar, what the requirements are to qualify for a PPA, and what the potential savings can be. 

Bring any and all of your questions about solar for businesses and tax-exempt organizations—we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Register Now!


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